Chapter 1


Psychedelic integration is a lifelong process of making sense of and incorporating the insights and lessons gleaned from our journeys into our daily lives, in ways that benefit both us and our communities. While we may initially think the actual psychedelic experience is the sole or main source of healing, perhaps the most important part of the process is to integrate its lessons into our daily lives, so the insights become meaningful, active parts of our lives rather than distant memories that are readily forgotten. 

Medicine is a concept. Each thought, activity, and object can be medicinal or poisonous, and our psychedelic journeys help us recognize the differences between these two. Many times, our relationship with the thought, activity, or object can determine whether it is a medicine or poison. For example, eating a piece of chocolate can make the chocolate a medicine while eating two chocolate bars mindlessly while scrolling social media can turn the chocolate into poison. There’s nothing inherently wrong with the latter, but it probably won’t lead to happy states of mind. Integration is the process of remembering and acting from our innate wholeness, which is always present.

The practices show us life is more fluid than we thought — our evolution, growth, healing are cyclical and can sometimes only be understood upon reflection.

psychedelic graphic art

Chapter 1


Psychedelic integration is a lifelong process of making sense of and incorporating the insights and lessons gleaned from our journeys into our daily lives, in ways that benefit both us and our communities. While we may initially think the actual psychedelic experience is the sole or main source of healing, perhaps the most important part of the process is to integrate its lessons into our daily lives, so the insights become meaningful, active parts of our lives rather than distant memories that are readily forgotten.

- improve our emotional states;
- reconnect us with nature;
- help people overcome alcohol and nicotine addiction;
- alleviate depression, anxiety, cluster headaches, obsessive
- compulsive disorder, and anorexia;
- increase levels of creative thinking, empathy, and wellbeing;
- encourage a greater appreciation for art, music, and nature;
- generate lasting awe for existence.

Medicine is a concept. Each thought, activity, and object can be medicinal or poisonous, and our psychedelic journeys help us recognize the differences between these two. Many times, our relationship with the thought, activity, or object can determine whether it is a medicine or poison. For example, eating a piece of chocolate can make the chocolate a medicine while eating two chocolate bars mindlessly while scrolling social media can turn the chocolate into poison. There’s nothing inherently wrong with the latter, but it probably won’t lead to happy states of mind. Integration is the process of remembering and acting from our innate wholeness, which is always present.

Just as in our daily lives, some of our psychedelic experiences can be challenging or difficult. Integration practices can help us to ground, re-center, find our balance, and move forward with confidence. They allow us to incorporate the teachings into our regular routines, and continue the process of learning and letting go in a non-altered state. The practices show us life is more fluid than we thought — our evolution, growth, healing are cyclical and can sometimes only be understood upon reflection.

The healing which begins with our medicine experience continues as we practice loving kindness and compassion in every aspect of our lives, especially the areas we tend to ignore or overlook. We learn to be gentle, soft, and generous with ourselves and others. Even the anger, grief, shame, and guilt we may experience can be teachers instead of enemies to destroy. We practice consciously choosing how we relate to and act in the world. 

Proper integration that increases quality of life while minimizing the risk of retraumatizing behaviors and interactions requires some planning and effort. While it may be tempting to hang onto the memories of our psychedelic experience like a lifeline, we must continue looking and moving forward. Unless we take concrete actions to apply the teachings, our healing will be limited. We should approach our integration with purpose and mindfulness. Each psychedelic experience allows us to reach a mountain peak, and in between climbs, we can sharpen the tools and skills allowing us to venture into the next climbing experiences with more perspective and wisdom, and hopefully less suffering. 

But where do we start? This can be an overwhelming question, particularly if our experience with the medicine was difficult. Even if we had a pleasant journey, what can we do that will ever recreate the clarity we experienced while we were in it? We may feel the need to change everything about our entire lives all at once…but how do we do that? And should we do that? It may be better to wait at least a few weeks or even several months before making major life decisions, but you are the person who knows best what you need. And while this realization may feel overwhelming, it can also provide a great deal of calm; you are the one you’ve always been seeking. 

magic mushroom growing

Psychedelic Integration 101

An Introductory Guide to Life After Your Psychedelic Experience

A Continually Evolving and Expanding Collaborative Document Open to Suggestions and New Contributors.

psychedelic graphic art

Important Disclaimer

The mission of Psychedelic Integration 101 is to support educated and informed discourse on the topic of psychedelic experiences, and to ensure the safety and health of those experimenting with psychedelic substances. The writers’ aim is to maximize benefit and reduce harm. 

The authors of this document do not encourage illegal activities and bear no responsibility for any decision to take part in dangerous or unlawful behaviors.

This document is not intended to replace or substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 

Always consult a qualified physician with any questions regarding a medical condition, and before starting any treatment.

Please be careful experimenting with psychedelic substances, especially if you have a history of mental illness. 


Psychedelic Integration 101 is uncopyrighted. 

The authors have released all claims on copyright and have put the work into the public domain. All content is inspired by the medicines, wisdom traditions, and other writers and healers. The authors believe no individual can truly own (attempted) expressions of eternal wisdom. This document belongs to the whole of life and is dedicated to all the spiritual masters throughout time and space. 

No permission is needed to copy, distribute, or modify the content in this document. Feel free to spread the light however you wish. Please keep safety in mind. 

Credit is appreciated but not required. You may take complete ownership and all credit. 

As the Buddha says, “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” 

Chapter 1


A good beginning is half the work

Psychedelic integration is a lifelong process of making sense of and incorporating the insights and lessons gleaned from our journeys into our daily lives, in ways that benefit both us and our communities. While we may initially think the actual psychedelic experience is the sole or main source of healing, perhaps the most important part of the process is to integrate its lessons into our daily lives, so the insights become meaningful, active parts of our lives rather than distant memories that are readily forgotten.

Medicine is a concept. Each thought, activity, and object can be medicinal or poisonous, and our psychedelic journeys help us recognize the differences between these two. Many times, our relationship with the thought, activity, or object can determine whether it is a medicine or poison. For example, eating a piece of chocolate can make the chocolate a medicine while eating two chocolate bars mindlessly while scrolling social media can turn the chocolate into poison. There’s nothing inherently wrong with the latter, but it probably won’t lead to happy states of mind. Integration is the process of remembering and acting from our innate wholeness, which is always present.

psychedelic graphic art

Chapter 1


A good beginning is half the work

But where would you even start? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor.

But where would you even start? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor.

But where would you even start? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor.

But where would you even start? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor.

psychedelic graphic art
psychedelic graphic art

Chapter 1


Psilocybin is the primary psychoactive ingredient found in more than 200 species of magic mushrooms, and a few species of magic truffles. Magic mushrooms flourish on every continent except Antarctica, and are easy to grow indoors. Magic truffles are the underground part of certain types of magic mushrooms, and are legal in the Netherlands where they are sold openly in gift stores and “smart shops.” Several nonprofit organizations and pharmaceutical companies are also creating synthetic psilocybin.

Research from Johns Hopkins, Imperial College London, NYU, and other universities supports long-established anecdotal evidence that psilocybin can:

- improve our emotional states;
- reconnect us with nature;
- help people overcome alcohol and nicotine addiction;
- alleviate depression, anxiety, cluster headaches, obsessive
- compulsive disorder, and anorexia;
- increase levels of creative thinking, empathy, and wellbeing;
- encourage a greater appreciation for art, music, and nature;
- generate lasting awe for existence.

Mushrooms sprout from a vast underground mycelial network, which acts as nature’s highway, providing communication and connections between individuals (e.g. trees) in an ecosystem. When humans ingest these psilocybin mushrooms, we may awaken to the interconnectedness of everything: our emotions link with memories, our physical bodies, spiritual realms, our families, our communities, and nature. Furthermore, similar to mycelium’s function in decomposing dead organisms and recycling them into new lifeforms, mushrooms break down various tensions, traumas, and toxicities in our own systems and transmute them into positive emotions and states of mind.

Psilocybin connects us with our natural Inner Healing Intelligence, which wants and knows what’s the best for us. The medicine rewires our hearts and minds to be positive, open, and joyful. Having evolved and survived for more than a billion years, mushrooms can help humanity transform into a more intelligent, loving, and harmonious species.

By setting intentions, you prime the mind with your main objectives, motivations, and questions — the whys — of your exploration with psilocybin.

Chapter 3

Day of Checklist

Verify dosage
Clean, declutter, and purify your space
Take a shower or bath, or take a plunge in a natural body of water
Prepare warm blankets, pillows, and cushions
Create a comfortable lounging area
Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes or get naked
Pack underwear, socks, and extra layers (if you are leaving home)
Eat a small healthy meal or snack, or fast
Hydrate and have plenty of water available
Stretch or practice yoga, meditation, contemplation, or breathwork
Review, contemplate, and write down intentions
Have art and writing supplies available
Turn phone off or on silent
Turn on music, if desired
Have ginger tea or ginger/peppermint snack available to ease nausea
Prepare tissues, eyeshades, and a bucket (for spitting or purging)
Empty bowels

Finally, surrender and let go. It’s all good.

You may wish to follow a specific dosing schedule. The most common schedules are “Four days on, three days off” and “One day on, two days off.” On the on days, you take a microdose, and on the off days, you take time off to reflect on the changes you feel.

You may wish to be more flexible, “go with the flow,” and take a microdose whenever you feel necessary or called. This attitude allows you to hone your intuition and listening skills.

You may combine other medicinal mushrooms and herbs with your microdose. One common “extra” ingredient is lion’s mane, a medicinal mushroom known to improve immune function and cognitive health. Some people also add niacin to their microdosing regimen.

Microdoses may be ground up into powder and taken in capsule form. Some people like to mix the microdose in a smoothie or other liquid. Still others eat a small amount of raw or dried mushrooms by itself.

Some people may find that microdosing helps ease the withdrawal symptoms of certain pharmaceutical agents.

magic mushroom growing

Chapter 2

Prepare your Mindset


The best attitudes to foster when you experiment with psilocybin are openness, curiosity and surrender. The fewer expectations you have, the happier and less anxious you’ll be before, during and after a session. The medicine will reveal that holding onto expectations is the cause of unhappiness.

If you expect to have the same experience you have read or heard about in videos, books, or trip reports, you may be disappointed. Your distinctive life experiences will result in a journey that cannot be compared with others’.

magic mushroom growing

Chapter 2

Prepare your Mindset


The best attitudes to foster when you experiment with psilocybin are openness, curiosity and surrender. The fewer expectations you have, the happier and less anxious you’ll be before, during and after a session. The medicine will reveal that holding onto expectations is the cause of unhappiness.

If you expect to have the same experience you have read or heard about in videos, books, or trip reports, you may be disappointed. Your distinctive life experiences will result in a journey that cannot be compared with others’.
